
Skin Care Before A Cheap And Fast Wedding

For those of you who are adults and are undergoing a period before marriage? should think of various kinds of treatments that must be lived before the wedding. Wedding skin care is very good for couples who want to get married. Skin is something that looks very clear when seen. Smoothness, the brightness of your skin can be obtained by means of treatments that you can do at home. What needs to be done is that you can apply the following things:

Cheap And Fast Skin Care

Someone who wants to get married is usually preoccupied with various activities that require him not to have more time for a candidacy or a spa center. With various practices when married later, budget marriage will certainly explode. So to reduce the swelling of expenditures should do treatments before marriage below.

Scrub and Spices

Using scrubs every day before the wedding can be done at home, no need for a long time it only takes 30 minutes before taking a shower. Thus it can be obtained with bright and smooth skin quickly. To get better and brighter skin at least 1 month before the wedding day, you should take a bath with selected spices to refresh your body during the wedding day.

Face Care With Eggs

Take the village egg then break it in a bowl, take the egg white and set aside the yellow one, Use egg white, wipe the egg white on the skin around the face. Let stand 10-15 minutes then rinse with plain water. Egg white can help tighten facial muscles and reduce wrinkles due to age. Bright and toned facial skin when marriage is very desirable for every couple who wants to get married.

Consumption of Herbs

Ingredients made from selected Indonesian spices that have many benefits for the body. Herbs serve as an appetite enhancer, reduce pain during menstruation, reduce abdominal pain, make the skin look more fresh and certainly beneficial to the health of the body before marriage. Drink herbs at least once every 2 days.

Dental Care

Towards marriage, teeth should be treated by going to the nearest dentist. So that later when the wedding takes place you can look clean and healthy white. The most important thing is not to forget to brush your teeth every day before going to bed because when you are married, teeth that are clean, white and healthy can add value when you are in a photo session at a wedding.

Nail Care

Kuku yang bagus dan bersih ketika pernikahan menjadi dambaan setiap perempuan. Kuku salah satu hal kecil yang mesti di perhatikan menjelang pernikahan. Untuk mendapatan kuku yang bagus dan bersih anda dapat manicure dan pedicure ke salon terdekat minimal 3 hari sebelum hari H pernikahan.

Hair Care

As a female crown, hair is a very important thing to care for. You can go kesalon to just creambath, wash your hair or provide nutrition for your hair. Hair will look shiny when the wedding takes place. healthy hair when the wedding makes the bride look beautiful and full of positive aura.

Of all the skin care ahead of marriage, it can be done at least a month before the day so that the married couple will look beautiful and the aura can be seen and become a positive thing that can be transmitted by the bride to her guests.

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